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The Vital Moss

Alkaline Beets Mossade 3 Pack

Alkaline Beets Mossade 3 Pack

Regular price $24.99 USD
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Our signature Sea Moss infused with cold pressed Beet Lemonade using 9.5ph Alkaline Water.

    1. Hydrating the Body: Sea Moss is a rich source of minerals, including potassium, which is important for hydration. When combined with the hydrating effects of lemonade, this combination can help keep the body hydrated and refreshed.

    2. Supporting Immunity: Sea Moss is a rich source of minerals, including magnesium, which has been shown to support immune system health. The vitamin C in lemonade can also help support the immune system. When combined, this combination can help support overall immune system health.

    3. Balancing pH levels: Alkaline lemonade can help balance the body's pH levels and promote alkaline health. Sea Moss is also rich in alkaline minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which can help balance pH levels. When combined, this combination can help balance pH levels and promote overall alkaline health.

    4. Aiding in Digestion: The digestive properties of lemonade can help support digestive health, and the minerals in sea moss, such as potassium, can also help improve digestion. When combined, this combination can help improve digestion and support overall gut health.

    5. Lowering Inflammation: The antioxidants in lemonade can help lower inflammation in the body, and the minerals in sea moss, such as magnesium, can also help reduce inflammation. When combined, this combination can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

    6. Sweetening without Sugar: A natural sweetener that doesn't have the negative effects of sugar, making it a great option for those looking to avoid sugar. This can make the lemonade in this combination a healthier, more natural option for those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth.
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